Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (2024)

Posted on 2023-09-05 • 21 comments


Figure skater Valeriy Angelopol has announced that he will continue his athletic career.

source: MatchTV

Earlier, it was reported that his ice dance partnership with Vasilisa Kaganovskaia had ended. The skaters had been training under the guidance of Anjelika Krylova.

Kaganovskaia revealed that the reason for the breakup was a contract proposed by Angelopol, according to which she was supposed to make a full provision for her partner.

“My new coach strongly recommended not to make any comments. I will continue to skate; I really want to skate and will continue to do so, regardless of anyone’s opinion.

Thank you very much to everyone who supports me; people have started coming back to me, people I didn’t expect to see in my circle again. Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue. I won’t make any comments; I will prove it with my actions.

It is important to understand another point: if I am silent, it doesn’t mean I have nothing to say. Let people think as they want and as they have been influenced. Another point is that they are hostages of the situation and do not know the truth.

But I believe I am obliged to say the following words, at least here, since I was not allowed to do so in person.

I want to thank the entire Krylova team for all the years of work. I gained good, valuable, and unforgettable experience. We overcame a lot, and we achieved much together.

Thank you very much to Vasilisa for the path we walked together; it was challenging, long, and bright. I wish her all the best in reaching her goals and being happy.

Thank you very much to Anjelka Krylova; she has done a lot for us, and I am very pleased that Vasilisa will continue her journey under her guidance. Special thanks to dear Maxim Evgenievich (Staviski); I cannot imagine my five years without this person.

I want to give special thanks to the guys in this group; it is the most friendly and cohesive team I have skated with. I wish each pair to shine and achieve the highest places. That’s all from me; thank you,” said Angelopol.


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21 Responses to “Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.””

  1. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (1)Rena Torrey says:

    12/08/2024 at 08:16

    I,like many others came across old feeds through my fb account of you and Vas skating. You both are lovely together, I admit. I’m sorry that story book had to come to an end. I could feel the care and love you exude. It was palpable. I’m sorry you were hurting. What the older adults did was unkind and not fair. I found myself asking, is this young sir just this way with this one girl? Then I saw clips of you practicing with a couple different gals. No, you are kind and sweet to everyone.YOU
    are that guy! Never lose that. While this bucket of crap they dealt you is awful you’ve dealt with it like a true man. You didn’t burn bridges and you certainly acted the better man. Good for you Val!
    Please… never let anyone damper your dreams. Keep skating! Aw sweetie, you’re so young. I daresay this might not be your last heartbreak. I still remember my first. That was many years ago. You’ll take it, wrap it up in a special bow, tuck it aside in a corner of your heart and move forward. It will hurt sweet boy, for a long while. Just accept it. Keep skating and YES let your positive actions speak. I’m in the U.S.A. I’ve already forwarded clips of your beautiful dance to my friends. You have friends in Seattle. Get to it young sir! Go get yours. Go get an Olympic Medal!

    Arlington, WA


  2. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (2)Cheryl says:

    12/08/2024 at 05:01

    You are so exciting loved your skating Valeriy only watched you as a skater was sad when your partnership ended best of luck hope Daria works out


  3. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (3)Darlene Young says:

    11/06/2024 at 06:17

    I never really watched ice skating before until you and your partner appeared on my tictoc. Amazing. I can’t stop watching the two of you. Bummer you guys are not together anymore. You could feel the love you both had for each other.

    Some reason I don’t think you caused the split. Remember time heals all wounds. Glad you are skating again.


  4. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (4)Nyoka Mcgee says:

    21/05/2024 at 18:19

    I’m sorry for the end of your partnership your skating and the chemistry you two have/had together were amazing. Good in your journey ahead.


  5. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (5)Judith Thomas says:

    30/01/2024 at 00:50

    I’m not a big fan of couple ice skating until I accidentally saw you. You are a fabulous ice skater and please please don’t stop. I’m not concerned about your love life,just enjoy watching you skate. Good luck to you in future endeavors.


  6. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (6)Linda Perryman says:

    13/12/2023 at 03:23

    I have watched all of your performances the two of you were great together. Please continue to skate and know you are great by yourself. I hope going forward that you have great success. A true fan.


  7. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (7)Bessie Tupaz says:

    26/10/2023 at 09:03

    I’m not fan nor have time to watch ice skating but accidentally saw your videos on FB. You caught my attention and mesmerized me with your dancing prowess. You are amazing and i kept viewing all videos that pops in the fb. You’re good looking, talented and dances with grace. Sending support from the Philippines.


  8. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (8)Marilu says:

    23/10/2023 at 21:34

    Hola Valeriy, tienes todo mi apoyo. Coincido con todos los comentarios anteriores. Eres un excelente patinador, guapo, carismático y joven. Así que tienes todo lo necesario para triunfar en tu vida. Una vez que la tempestad ha pasado, viene la calma, por lo tanto espera cosa muy buenas. Cuando sus caminos se vuelvan a cruzar, sonríe y sigue siempre adelante!


  9. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (9)Ma del Rocío Villagomez Arias says:

    21/10/2023 at 06:07

    Te encontré en face y te admiré desde el primer momento, una lástima lo qué pasó, pero tu adelante con la cabeza en alto, eres un hermoso patinador, y llegarás muy lejos con tu deporte lleno de arte, te seguiré por siempre, un abrazo desde Leon Guanajuato México.


  10. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (10)Elizabeth says:

    19/10/2023 at 00:53

    Don’t let the negative comments stay in your head. You have more support than you know. Stay with it, be strong and remember, the best way to silence your detractors is to succeed. You have the drive and capability.


  11. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (11)Judy says:

    12/10/2023 at 06:54

    I wish you only the best. Stay with your skating, it is amazing to watch you.
    I understand how you felt about skating with someone you love, it must have been hard for you. Skate with your heads held high. You are a beautiful skater and a beautiful young man. Always your fan.


  12. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (12)Margaret Bradbury says:

    05/10/2023 at 04:30

    You are both so young with plenty of future ahead of you. Many young romances part ways and I’m sorry for you that it’s been played out so publicly with so many choosing sides in a relationship they know so little of. I wish you both love, happiness, and success in whatever path you should choose and with whatever partners you skate with.


  13. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (13)Lisa Sumsion says:

    03/10/2023 at 08:02

    Valeriy, It is smart of you to not say much about the situation. Speaking too much never helps the situation improve. You are right that your actions will speak louder than your words. Always remain kind and speak well of everyone because you don’t want to ever burn any bridges. Sometimes people who work together make mistakes in dealing with each other and sometimes those mistakes are caused by others getting involved. Always be willing to forgive others mistakes and keep good relations with people and you will be successful both off and on the ice. You have publicly acted very mature in this situation which shows a great deal about your character. I will continue to follow your career in skating and look forward to watching your success.


  14. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (14)Louise Keil says:

    02/10/2023 at 14:37

    I came across you on Facebook and am mesmerized by your skating abilities. I will always continue to be a fan. Sending positive powers from Texas❤️❤️


  15. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (15)Silvia says:

    28/09/2023 at 10:41

    Dear Valery
    All the best whatever way you will chose.
    Keep positive and I think we will see still much more and greater of you.
    But still, keep one dore open to Vasilia. I am sure, she does as well.
    Whishing you all the best.


  16. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (16)Marcy says:

    27/09/2023 at 02:24

    Like many here I came across the both of you skating and loved the chemistry and the way you cared for one another. It’s sad that things for you both turned out the way it did, however, I wish you all the best and hope to see you soon on the ice competing. Always remember that things do happen for a reason, keep your head held high and all the best on your new endeavours.


  17. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (17)Michelle says:

    26/09/2023 at 04:51

    Like some of the others I came across your skating by accident. No team has ever held my attention like yours did. No one since Goordeva and Grinkov has captured my attention they way you have. I wish you further success and I have no doubt I will witness an Olympic medal in the future. I will be watching. All the best!!


  18. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (18)Daniel McColgan says:

    19/09/2023 at 05:26

    I have no doubt you sir will come back to the ice stronger and.better than before. You were born to be a great ice skater. Can’t wait to see your amazing talents again. Keep going forward young man.


  19. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (19)Laura Allison says:

    09/09/2023 at 04:33

    I adore your strength, sesaroty and strength. You both are truly gifted. Thankyou from Pennsylvania


  20. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (20)Joy Corson says:

    08/09/2023 at 06:26

    Good for you Veleriy, keep your head high and continue to be the beautiful skater you are.


  21. Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (21)Cathy Aust says:

    06/09/2023 at 17:33

    Valeriy…you have my full support…i cant wait to see you skate again. I came upon you by accident and became a fan immediately. I had never followed skating before but you,your skill, your charisma, your talent mesmerized me. I started watching other skaters and they bored me. But you,i cant get enough of. I will follow you throughout your career. You will accomplish great things i hope this page continues to follow you.


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Veleriy Angelopol: “Thank you very much to everyone who turned away from me; the ballast has been dropped, and it’s much easier now. As for me, I continue to skate.” (2024)
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